It's been a while since my last post. Summer and life taking a front seat. Not to mention a round of site related chaos getting my security settings in place. Arrgh! If any of you tried this site over last month or so and it looked unsafe that is why. I am actually quite impressed that I could persevere in the face of very frustrating circumstances to solve the puzzle necessary to get my site's security clearance. I know we can all struggle with perseverance in the face of frustration and can often quickly give up. We do this even wen the stakes are high. How can we increase our "stickability"?
- Mindset is important. Monitoring our thoughts and reactions is key. If we are telling ourselves we will never be able to be successful at the task we will quickly give up.
- Reminding oneself how good it will feel it we see a task through to the end...seeing past the immediate frustration.
- It's ok to take a break, work on letting go of the frustration and get back to it.
- See it as a challenge that you are intent on meeting. Many of us can do this in our "wheelhouse" areas sports or creating art or music for example. It's much harder in areas we are not familiar with or good at.
- ASK FOR HELP. I bet I called online support two dozen times while trying t figure out my website issue. Sometimes during a call I had to politely hang up due to frustration. I would compose myself(sometimes not till the next day or two) and call back.